Author Archives: Heather

Dry Air

So Colorado Springs has really dry air. Compared to Iowa which is humid. When we were in Iowa I used lotions in the winter and sometimes in the summer. 1st week in Colorado Springs I realized that I need to desperately change my skin care regime, NOW. Even Joe, who doesn’t use lotions, won’t let me touch him with my hands when they have lotion on them, is using lotion now!

So, I went back to the drawing board. I tried a couple different types.

1.) A body butter I got from a Walmart sample box, I am enrolled in the Sample box program and get a new one every season, the boxes are touch and go and I usually get at least 1 good sample out of each box and this was the one out of that box.
NSPA Exotically Creamy Coconut Rich Body Butter, 6.76 fl oz
Now, this stuff is good, smells wonderful but I have to use a lot of it to moisturize and at $5.48 a 6.6oz it’s pricey and wasn’t lasting me very long. Bonus, though, my Joe LOVED the smell.

2.) Next I tried St. Ives Skin Renewing Collagen Elastin Body Lotion, 21 oz. I remember my Mom using this when I was young, at least, the St. Ives brand. I tried for a couple days, and I was again having to use a LOT. This one was on the inexpensive side $4.78 for 22 fl oz. Smells fresh and goes on smooth, Left me wanting more.

Number #3 and the winner. I was also breaking out during all this. My adult acne, which might be brought on by stress/hormones was acting up. So I went on a search for a lotion that would do double duty for moisture and acne. I ran a search and found a blog, Top 10 Home Remedues, DIY Homemade Coconut Oil and Aloe Vera Gel Skin Moisturizer. At first, I meant to make the moisturizer so I went on a search for the Aloe gel, I went to Ebay first, but I couldn’t find one I liked, so I went to AMAZON! I love Amazon!

I buy everything on Amazon, even my Toilet paper :)

I searched for a 100% Aloe Vera gel and found Fruit Of The Earth Aloe Vera 100% Gel, Crystal Clear – 24oz 2 Pack – $17.34 for 2 – a great deal IMO!

It works and even Joe uses it, which says so much considering Joe won’t touch lotion with a ten-foot poll and he won’t even let me touch him when I have lotion still wet on my hands. I use it all over my body and on my face. It has antibacterial properties so helps with the acne too!

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Colorado Shopping Show – CSS

When we first moved here, one of the first things I did was surf the radio stations. I need music in my life, and this includes in the car. When I was surfing around I found the RADIO SHOPPING SHOW! Radio stations 98.5 and 101.3.

Radio Shopping Show – SoCo Radio

Basically, you listen and buy things off the radio. Simple right? They have amazing good deals on local places too. Food, salons, shooting ranges, and even comedy.

You can get all these local places for up to 90% off if you are lucky, wait and listen and you can get certificates like the 19 for 19 and the deals come at a $1 each. So that means you can get a $60 hair session at a salon for $1!! How crazy is that!

Anywho, we have had some really great meals so far and at a great deal, so if you live in the “Springs” area don’t hesitate!

Also when not broadcasting the show, which is usually during the week Monday-Saturday, 98.5 plays some great easy listening music :)



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Colorado Springs!

Colorado Springs is a brave new world, and I like it.

March makes three months since we moved from Granger, Iowa. The weather here is awesome, it was 65 today and has been in the 60s and 70s for the past week.

My Mom has already been to visit, she was here this past week. Since we have moved from Alaska in 2009 I realize that I have changed alot, but that’s another story.

We are currently located in southern Colorado Springs, and we already have an offer on the house in Iowa! I will keep everyone posted on the process of selling the house which is not as fun as it may sound.

My Mom has already been to visit, she was here this past week. We are currently located in southern Colorado Springs, in a rental house. So we will be looking for a permanent house here soon when Iowa property goes through.

We also have put in an offer on a short sale but if anyone has ever dealt with a short sale before you know the process is an make offer and then wait.. and then wait some more. So we aren’t holding our breath for the deal to go through anytime soon. The house is a small ranch, about 1400sf, which we plan to live in for awhile while looking for our new dream home and then rent out.

CO Springs is definitely an adjustment from Des Moines. The air here is thin, the elevation level is actually higher than Denver: At 6,035 feet (1,839 m) the city stands over one mile (1.6 km) above sea level. It took me about a month to acclimate and then I got a cold and felt like I was dying! I couldn’t lift my arms for more than 2 seconds and even walking across the room was more than I could handle really!

The food here is so much better, between diners and Korean it can’t get much better. Which is bad for the waist line and our low-carb diet but great for the palette :)
Believe it our not for a city of 500,000 Des Moines, only had 1 Korean restaurant and it was more of a take out place that served Chinese and Korean as a side note..

It has snowed about 3 times since I’ve been here and the snow has lasted about a week. The plows are non-exsistant, which I think is either due to the snow not lasting very long or the fact that taxes are pretty low here in the “Spings.” Since Taxes are low all roads also seem to be in constant need of repair! Potholes the size of Road Island, driver beware and keep aware! I mean literally, stay aware when you are driving or you will end up hitting a pothole that will likely end up denting your rims :p

The last snow put everything in a stand still for about 3-4 days, Joe ended up being snow day’d for 2 days straight and they closed down prertty much everything except the grocery stores, Even movie theaters and malls, I know this because we tried to go see the new Star Wars and the movie theater was closed due to the snow. We have a Silverado 4×4 which I’m glad of because we can drive pretty much anywhere we want vs. drivers whom couldn’t even get up hills in their cars and 2 wheel drive trucks!

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Afghans! Beautiful Afghans and Blankets.

Afghans, any color you would like, I can do granny squares and stars, these are great for presents and baby showers. I can do team colors or baby colors!
Favorite colors, any color you want.

You choose the yarn and colors, baby soft, regular weight, soft and chunky. Let me know the colors and the type of yarn you would like and I will send you a quote.

      Granny Square, this one is in purples and creams, with a little bit of pinks. This is made out of super soft lion brand yarn, suitable for a baby blanket.


    Christmas theme Star. This one is out of sturdy weight yarn, take it out every Christmas or keep it out all year for that Christmas spirit!


I also make scarfs and shawls :) will post some pictures soon of some finished shawls soon.

A star Pattern made out of fisherman’s wool, super warm and dense. Green, blue and cream.


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